Offense + Dissent in 2014
Episodes 2014
What evokes strong responses at The New School in 2014? We invited faculty, staff and students to initiate a dialogue with an image, installation, or an element of design that they regularly encounter at the university that extends the historical discussions of image, conflict, and belonging into the present. The divergences and alignments among the responses manifest again and again the unstable unity bound up in the pronoun “we” in our—or in fact, in any—institution.
The curators commissioned two original artworks for the show as editorial commentary on the historical episodes when art roused conflict. George Bates created a cartoon strip to accompany “Red Scare, Yellow Curtain,” and Dimitry Tetin designed a graphic work for “The Matsunaga Affair.
The curators, designer, and university’s archivist discuss the unusual blending of art, history, and visual investigation and analysis that the exhibition featured.